Entertainment14 November 2019
Date night with a young child is far and few between these days, but a sure fire way to win brownie points with the hubby is movie night.
Ford vs Ferrari hits the mark and who can resist Christian Bale who is brilliant in this movie. Review from the hubby below.

For the uninitiated rev-heads out there, this definitely isn’t a fast & furious franchise flick! But as much as those films have glorified the street racing genre, this movie is far more grounded in its tone & historical storyline.
The 60’s were an interesting time in motorsports, so many egos, so many daredevils, and so little control.
Ford vs Ferrari hits the mark, capturing the essence of this pivotal and historical period in motorsport history.
For the educated gearheads, there is a far too subtle mention of a pair of kiwi racing greats who were involved far more than this movie portrays, as it focuses mainly on the relationship between Carroll Shelby (Matt Damon) & Ken Miles (Christian Bale), both of whom have a deep passion for racing, for mad innovation and a sheer desire to go fast, very very fast.

At times its more Ford vs Ford, as egos start to get bruised & the dynamic between the number crunchers, marketing boffins & petrolheads collide.
The film cracks along without missing a gear and before you know it, you’re front and centre in the midst of the beautiful chaos that is the 24hr Le Mans road race.
Even if you’re not into motorsport, you’ll be entertained & thrilled by this epic moment in motorsport history. A healthy 7000rpm for recommended viewing!
Ford vs. Ferrari is now playing. Speed into your local cinema today!